Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog 6 (GLBT)

like most people who are reading these books i feel that the subject matter is a bit awqard.  i think most people feel this way because this is a matter that is not otherwise talked about in other classes except for maybe someone who is in med school. i also think its a bit awqard because as people we are attracted to either male or females, its hard for us to immagine or picture someone who may appear to be a male or felmale but have contradicting plumbing or that of both sexes.

as far as my feelings and thoughts on the class meterial from this unit so far, i feel that the westboro baptist church people are just sick in the head, in the society we live in i agree that you dont always have to like someone for who they are but to go about protesting what one believes at a funeral for a dead soldier and saying the reason he or she is dead is because "god hates fags"? i mean come on now, the reason they are dead is becuase we are in a war and they were killed in the line of duty not because of some mythalogical higher power dosnt approve of how our country is handeling certain types of people, thats like saying the reason we have computer viruses is because Ross Perot (the supposed creator of the internet, so he claims) dosnt like the fact that its being used to share porn worldwide.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Comparison of Bluest Eye & American Born Chinease

In both the bluest eye and amreican born chinease the main characters struggle with who they are and gaining respect for themselves becuase of who they were born as.  In Bluest eye Pecola is discriminiated agians by her grandmother because she is darker than her sister, in Amrican Born chinese the character name "Chin-Key" sounds an awful lot like a certain racial slurr for a chinease person.  also in american born chinese the monkey king faces discriminiation becuse he is differnt than all the other gods so they will not let him into the high heaven even after he has accomplished alll of the required taskes they give him. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Maus; Prisoner on the Hell Planet, A Case in History.

After reading this segment of the book I found it very interesting that throughout the entire comic fom the time he was released, the entire time Arti is wearing what appears to be his prison uniform.  This I think may be symbolic of his somehow being a prisoner to everything around him.  In the begining he states that he lived with his parents as part of his agreement for his release from the mental institution, and later in the comic when everyone is placing blame on him for his mothers death.
This was also another point that I found interesting was that everybody, and in some ways Arti himself, blamed him for his mothers death.  Arti indicates blaming himself when he says; "I suppose that if I'd gotten home when expected..." and again when he has the flashback to when he was laying in bed and his mom came in and asked if he still loved her an he said "Sure, Ma!".  To me this kinda indicated sarcasm and that he wasnt being very sincear.  Another item that i think goes along with Arti blaming himself if when he is in the prison and he says; "Congratulations!... You've commited the perfect crime... ... You murdered me, mommy and you left me hear to take the rap!!!"
Another part that really caught my attention was p. 101 the very last frame Arti is consoling his father and his uncle is on the phone making the funeral arrangements and from the phone we see; "... And for $950.00 we have a bronze casket with bronze colored velvet... of course, for $2000.00 we can...", something about that just caught my eye about the giant price gap.  Also the "PROTECT WHAT YOU HAVE" eagle emblem in the bottom corner,  I cant figure out the significance of that but i feel its supposed to mean something.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

About Me`

My name is Zack, I graduated from Mechanicsburg Area Senior High in 2008.  After taking a year off, I decided that I could not spend the rest of my life cooking, even though I am very good at it, or I was going to kill somebody, OK not really but you get the point.  In my spare time, I'm either out fishing, working on my truck; or someone elses, shooting, or thinking of other ways to get into trouble.  I listen to a wide variety of music including Country, 80's, Rap, Rock, Industrial and everything in between, but never classical.
I dont really know what my major is at this point, but im leaning towards psychcology, in which case I would do the 5 year masters program that SHIP offers.  I had Dr Mortimore's class last year and saw that for the psych program I would need this class and seeing her as one of the professors I decided to take her again.